News at CBC

MLK Day Virtual Celebration

Celebrate MLK Day 2021 Virtually With Columbia Basin College

Posted Date: January 18, 2021
By: Alexandra Rios

PASCO, WA – It has been a challenging putting together any community events during the pandemic, but staff at Columbia Basin College are still making their annual bell ringing to honor MLK happen.

CBC will still ring the bell in honor of MLK, but it has been moved online.

“It was obvious to all of his here at Columbia Basin College that it was not an option to take a pass this year on that. I think we all love to know what MLK would have to say about our times,” Jay Frank with CBC said.

Frank said it is important to have this event, even if it is virtual.

“So, we went the extra mile to put together a video, that is going to be memorable for people and meaningful for people who can’t come to campus,” Frank said.

Unlike years in the past, he said this year’s traditional event looks different.

“This is a tradition event that brings lots of people to campus for a celebration that usually spills over a course of several hours,” Frank said.

This year, because of COVID-19, CBC will not be able to recreate the event.

“We would love to have everyone in person, but we are doing our best to put something just as or more memorable by putting together a video presentation,” Frank said.

That video not only ties together the announcement of this year’s winners, but you also get to hear from past Spirit Award winners about their thoughts about MLK Day. There is also a music presentation from a local. You will also hear from faculty, students and staff.

“It is about twenty minutes. It is really impactful. When you talk Doc. Martin Luther King, there is so much surrounding that man that speaks to so many people in meaningful ways, so many years after his death,” Frank said.

You can watch CBC’s presentation on MLK on their YouTube channel. The presentation starts at 8 am on January, 18.


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