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Library & Archives Paraprofessional 3
509-542-5528 or ext.2328
Send email or MS-L3
Legal Affairs & Compliance Officer
Legal Affairs
509-543-1496 or ext.2096
Send email or MS-A2
Title IX & Anti-Discrimination Administrator
509-543-1481 or ext.2081
Director for Compensation
509-542-5526 or ext.2326
Director for Curriculum & Schedule Management
509-543-1469 or ext.2069
Send email or MS-A1
Assistant Dean for Instruction
509-543-1497 or ext.2097
Send email or MS-CTE
Director for K-12 Partnerships
509-542-4640 or ext.2640
Program Coordinator
509-543-1441 or ext.2041
Executive Assistant to the Vice President for Instruction
509-543-1495 or ext.2095
Dean for Organizational Learning
Institutional Research
509-544-4935 or ext.2935
Send email or MS-SWL2
Director for Institutional Research
509-542-4708 or ext.2708
Data Consultant 2
509-542-4468 or ext.2468
Executive Assistant to the Vice President for Human Resources & Legal Affairs
Human Resources/Legal Affairs
509-542-4749 or ext.2749
Special Assistant to the Vice President for HR & Legal Affairs
Director for Talent Recruitment & Retention
Human Resources
509-542-4476 or ext.2476
Human Resources Consultant 2 - Recruitment
509-542-4407 or ext.2247
Human Resources Consultant 2 - Benefits
509-542-4835 or ext.2235
509-542-4567 or ext.2567
Human Resources Consultant 2 - Payroll
509-542-4429 or ext.2429
Director for Payroll
509-542-4870 or ext.2270
509-542-4583 or ext.2583
509-542-4896 or ext.2296
509-542-4557 or ext.2557
509-542-4805 or ext.2205
Safety Officer 3
509-542-4899 or ext.2299
Showing 276 - 301 of 727 entries