Title V

Columbia Basin College (CBC) is a Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI)

An institution is given the HSI designation when they reach a full time Hispanic student enrolling population of 25%. CBC is currently at 47% full time Hispanic student enrolling population.

CBC Receives Title V Grant

Columbia Basin College has been awarded a Title V Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) Grant. The $3 million dollar grant, funded by the U.S Department of Education, will support the entire CBC student body by focusing on reducing gaps between First Time-Entering College Hispanic and Non-Hispanic students in retention and completion or transfer, increasing diversity students' retention and sense of belonging and improve students academic, social, and emotional success, from enrollment through completion.
The grant will fund an Equity Center, faculty development, and course and curriculum redesign.

Grant award number P031S220120.


Students walking around CBC's Pasco campus